Sunday, January 1, 2012

Diving the Rift Between Tectonic Plates

One of the more popular dives in the word is located in the upper reaches of the Atlantic, in Iceland.  This dive is so popular because it is situated right on top of the rift between the North American and European Tectonic Plates. The area is filled with water that has come from melted glaciers and has been filtered through lava fields. They say that its the most clear water on the planet and tops at 300 feet of visibility. . The water is just above freezing which means you will be wearing a dry suit with down linings. The dive starts out on a platform in Thingvellir National Park. Most that dive here are not going for any wild life, and there are only a few trout but they usual make the dive for the experience of being between the two plates and viewing the cathedral-like formations. Not to mention watching a light show of sunbeams filtering through the rock formations. This is being added to my Dive list at the very top!