Saturday, December 31, 2011

What do Scuba Divers do in the winter?!

A gentleman asked me the other day what I did in the wintertime. Here in Utah there are not many places you can dive because of the frozen lakes, So here comes the question: What do scuba divers do in the winter? For most people here in Utah there are always options. For one, you can dive in a pool.

Many this doesn't take care of their drive for diving. I might suggest to others that you take a road trip somewhere warmer. You will find there are many places in South America that you can dive for cheap, its just a matter of getting there. So skip the big presents during Christmas and save up for a warm February Dive! Or do what some people here in Utah do, Check out the hot springs. There are so many ways to get around the cold, just search and find what is best for you.

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