Sunday, May 8, 2011

A beginning to Diving

I have been diving for the past 2 years and have realized that I would love to share my information with those advanced and beginner divers. For those of you that havent been out and are wanting to start diving here are a few small tips I might suggest.
1-Remember that your mask and snorkle with fins are the most important items for you right now. You want to have your own and be able to get comfortable with them to start off. Go to the nearest dive shop and ask them about some of the options they have for you. I personally enjoy a mask with a purge valve in the nose. Its easier to clear your mask of additional water.
2-Dont worry about any other gear. There are always going to be packages that you can buy with all your gear together. Get familiar with dive gear before you spend all your money on a BC that you will realize after trying others that you dont enjoy it.
3-Start slow and realize that diving is about having fun, dont rush yourself or stress out over not knowing what your doing.
4-Always pay attention to your dive instructor and make sure that your comfortable with anything he asks of you. They wont mind if you need to take additional time as long as  and you are happy.
5- Try and start diving in a warm water enviroment. The less amount of equipment you have to put on with your beggining the more comfortable you will feel at first.
Lastly, just have fun! Diving is an incredible sport and you will find that the longer you do it the more you love it.

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