Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fun Facts about Scuba

  • Who can Scuba? Anyone can scuba! There is a basic level of health and fitness that you need to have to stay safe and be comfortable underwater, but there are not many other requirements. 
  • How old do you have to be to Scuba? To be certified with PADI they do require that you are 14 years of age, but there are many classes for children under 14 as well. Children 8-12 can take an open water class to get them started on scuba diving. Contact your local dealer to get started.
  • What does Scuba Mean? Scuba stands for Self- Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. A scuba system allows autonomous diving (diving without an air line to the surface). The word also describes the sport of scuba diving.
  • Is Scuba Safe? Yes! Some people hear about a diver who died while pursuing their hobby and they question the safety of scuba. It is true a small number of divers do die every year. Most of these deaths are not due to equipment failure as some people might suspect, but are due to inadequate or no training, diving in extreme conditions or diving beyond their personal diving limitations.
  • Do you have to be certified to dive? No, but you do need to have proper training before you attempt to breath underwater. This can be as simple as a Discover Scuba course. A resort course, as it is sometimes called, will let you experience diving before taking a certification course. This involves an introduction in the pool and a dive off the beach or in shallow water. A Discover Scuba course can count towards a scuba certification.Once you see how great scuba is, the next step is to complete an open water certification. As a certified diver, you can dive any where there is a dive shop. With 71 percent of the planet covered with water, there is an endless supply of dive destinations.
  • How deep can scuba divers go? The recreational (no-decompression) diving limit is 130 ft (40 meters). Recreational diving can be defined as diving to a certain depth for a certain amount of time and being able to make a slow, direct ascent to the surface without doing staged decompression stops and without sufficient risk of decompression sickness.To dive beyond the recreational limit, you need to have technical dive training and equipment. Technical training and procedures enable divers to dive deeper than ever before and experience a fantastic underwater odyssey. With the advancement of science and technology, who knows out deep divers will be able to go in the future.
  • How much does Scuba Cost? The cost will differ where you are and the prices will always be changing. The main thing that you should remember is that just like I stated in my older post you should get used to gear before you go out an buy it. Rent gear at first. Scuba certification can be a bit expensive. Taking a Discover Scuba course will help you decide if like the sport before shelling out the bucks for certification training. Scuba diving classes can be cheaper if you join a diving club. Experiencing the thrill and exhilaration of diving is well worth the money you spend.

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